Wednesday, 28 May 2014

BHARAT NU BANDHARAN (Constitution of India) QUIZ & MP3

BHARAT NU BANDHARAN (Constitution of India) QUIZ

BHARAT NU BANDHARAN (Constitution of India) QUIZ
Bharat nu Bandharan (Constitution of India), the country's basic document., It is written into the document., It is superior to the laws of the country. The power of the party and the people's rights are defined. Editor of India's federal structure, although it is unitary.
 Constitutional Assembly was to start functioning from 9th December 1946. On 26 November 1949 the Constitutional Assembly had passed the Constitution. Total Duration - 2 years, 11 months and 18 days.
26th January 1950 saw the implementation of the Constitution. Dr Rajendra Prasad was the first Chairman of the Constitution Assembly. In total there were 389 members of the Constitution Assembly. 296 of Constitution Assembly - were members of the British Indian. Preamble to the Bharat nu Bandharan (Constitution of India) begins.  Bharat nu Bandharan (Constitution of India)  Quiz  would be useful to teachers in the preparation of TAT Exam
Bharat nu Bandharan (Constitution of India) QUIZ click here
Bharat nu Bandharan (Constitution of India)  MP3 click here

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